(Jun 3) – This weekend, Gov. Polis signed a bill sponsored by Rep. Tom Sullivan and Rep. Matt Gray in Centennial that creates a workforce diploma pilot program.
“This new law that the Governor just signed creates a workforce diploma pilot program to encourage achievement and attainment of high school diplomas or industry training certificates,” said Rep. Tom Sullivan, D-Centennial. “Coloradans should have the educational opportunities they need, no matter how old they are and regardless of whether they received a high school diploma.”
HB19-1236 creates a workforce diploma pilot program in the Colorado Department of Education. The program awards performance payments to qualified providers that offer alternative education services and demonstrate their students’ successful completion of educational milestones, such as earning high school diplomas, course credits, or industry-recognized training certificates. This will help many Coloradans attain education and training that helps them get on a pathway to economic self-sufficiency so they can take care of themselves and their families.