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April 8, 2021


Bipartisan bill to invest in high-impact tutoring to close the COVID education gap

DENVER, CO– The House Education Committee today advanced Representative Kerry Tipper’s bipartisan bill to invest $5 million into tutoring programs intended to address COVID-related learning loss across the state. The bill is part of the Colorado Comeback state stimulus, a package of legislation that will invest roughly $700 million into helping Colorado recover faster and build back stronger. The bill passed committee unanimously.

“Over the past year, Colorado’s educators went above and beyond to continue our students’ education despite an unprecedented public health emergency,” said Rep. Kerry Tipper, D-Lakewood. “Despite their heroic efforts, COVID-related learning loss has taken a toll on students in every corner of the state. Today we made a robust investment in high-impact tutoring, a proven educational tool to ensure Colorado’s students can quickly close the COVID learning gap and continue to thrive.”

HB21-1234 would create and fund the Colorado High Impact Tutoring Program. Data consistently demonstrates that high-impact tutoring, when administered during the school day to groups of four of fewer students by the same qualified tutor at least three times per week, is one of the most effective interventions to raise student achievement. This program would be administered under the Colorado Department of Education and would provide grants to local education providers for high impact tutoring programs designed to address COVID-related learning loss. The bill outlines the process and requirements for applying for funding, and establishes that rural education providers and schools serving low-income or underserved students must be among the criteria taken into consideration in awarding grants.


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