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May 10, 2021


DENVER, CO– The House Agriculture, Livestock, and Water Committee today passed legislation by a vote of 11-0 to help Colorado agriculture producers increase sales in markets across the globe.

“CO Proud promotes buying locally grown, raised, and processed food and Rural agricultural products. It teaches and educates consumers that when they buy Colorado Proud they are receiving high-quality fresh products and helping Colorado’s economy, farmers, ranchers, greenhouses, manufacturers and processors. Colorado Proud has helped our state’s agriculture producers sell their products all across Colorado, the US and the world,” said Rep Donald Valdez, D- La Jara. “This bill is going to help rural Colorado recover faster from the pandemic and build back stronger. I’m proud that we were able to come together in a bipartisan way to give Colorado Proud a boost and help our farmers sell their goods in markets all across the globe.”

Colorado’s robust agricultural sector has been the backbone of our economy for decades, and the pandemic has burdened the industry with unique challenges that require additional resources to overcome. To accelerate the economic recovery of our agricultural and rural communities, SB21-203, which is sponsored by Representatives Donald Valdez and Rod Pelton, provides $2.5 million to the Department of Agriculture for the Colorado Proud program. Colorado Proud provides new opportunities for Colorado’s food and agricultural producers to increase sales globally and helps support the growth and resiliency of Colorado food systems.

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