DENVER, CO - The House Transportation, Housing & Local Government Committee today passed legislation sponsored by Representatives Junie Joseph and Rebekah Stewart to improve accessibility in new and renovated buildings and facilities for Coloradans with disabilities. HB25-1030 passed by a vote of 9-3.
“The Americans with Disabilities Act has helped make our world more accessible to people with disabilities, but unfortunately patchwork building codes have allowed some new and renovated buildings to forgo accessibility features that Coloradans rely on,” said Rep. Junie Joseph, D-Boulder. “As Colorado’s skyline continues to change and expand to accommodate our growing population, it’s important that we pass this bill to make it clear that buildings must meet accessibility requirements so people with disabilities are afforded equal access and mobility opportunities in buildings and facilities.”
“Features like ramps and audio announcements are necessary tools that allow Coloradans with disabilities to be independent and able to engage with their communities, and our bill would ensure that more buildings incorporate these tools,” said Rep. Rebekah Stewart, D-Lakewood. “We’re making it easier for Coloradans with disabilities to benefit from the laws we’ve passed that make housing, schools, and other buildings more inclusive for all.”
Beginning January 1, 2026, HB25-1030 would require local governments that adopt or amend a building code and public schools and health facilities that substantially amend a building code to ensure that they meet or exceed the accessibility standards set by the International Building Code and existing laws. The State Housing Board would also be required to meet or exceed these standards when it comes to substantial updates to uniform construction and maintenance standards for hotels, motels, and multiple dwellings in jurisdictions with no local building code.
Colorado Democrats have championed many laws in recent years to break down accessibility barriers for Coloradans with disabilities, including creating the Colorado Disability Opportunity Office to implement a statewide strategy to promote successful economic, social, and community integration.