(Apr. 18) – Gov. Jared Polis signed the bipartisan FY19-20 Colorado State Budget, which begins on July 1, 2019. Democrats are putting forth a budget that makes historic investments in education and transportation. This budget responsibly manages taxpayer dollars, increases per-pupil funding by $327, and secures more than $300 million for transportation funding.
“I want to thank the members of the JBC for all the work they’ve put into writing this fiscally responsible, forward-thinking budget that delivers on our priorities,” said JBC Chair Senator Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City. “I’m proud that our transparent process and hard work has brought us to this moment and to a budget that will lead us to a strong economic future.”
“I’m proud of the bipartisan, responsible budget my colleagues and I presented and worked together to pass. I worked to bring a Southern Colorado perspective – a Pueblo perspective – to the state capitol and this process,” said Rep. Daneya Esgar of Pueblo and vice-chair of the Joint Budget Committee. “This budget reflects Colorado’s values and with it we are supporting hardworking people and giving them the tools they need to get ahead.”
“I could not be more proud of the balanced and bipartisan budget that we have laid out for Colorado’s future,” said Senator Rachel Zenzinger, D-Arvada. “This budget is proof that we can work together to pass a financial blueprint for our state that invests in important priorities like education and transportation while making sure we have the means to afford these investments in the long run.”
“Coloradans should all be proud of this carefully balanced and comprehensive budget,” said Rep. Hansen, D-Denver. “While some in Washington push divisive and economically destructive trade wars, my colleagues and I put forth a budget that makes historic, bipartisan investments in education, transportation and finally ensures kids and parents have access to full-day kindergarten.”
The budget secures $300 million for transportation funding and increases K-12 education funding by $325.9 million dollars, including $175 million dollars to implement full-day kindergarten and an additional $77 million to buy-down the budget stabilization factor. The budget also makes critical investments to help lower the cost of healthcare and help Coloradans achieve greater economic security. The budget also invests $10 million in the water plan and $171 million in capital investments.
The FY19-20 Colorado State Budget passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 41-to-22 and passed the Senate by a vote of 25-to-7.
For more information about the budget, please visit: https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/sb19-207