Wildfires continue to threaten homes across Colorado
(Apr. 22) – The House gave unanimous approval to Rep. Barbara McLachlan’s bipartisan bill to mitigate the impacts of wildfires on Colorado’s mountain communities.
“This bill will help address a need that encompasses our entire state. It’s no longer a question of ‘if’ wildfires will happen, it’s a matter of when they will happen,” said Rep. McLachlan, D-Durango. “We have small businesses, homes and hardworking people who depend on having healthy forests. It’s clearly important to fight wildfires and it is also important to take steps to mitigate the scope and severity of wildfires.”
Rep. Barbara McLachlan is Chair of the House Education Committee and is a member of the House Rural Affairs and Agriculture committee.
HB19-1006 creates a grant program to help with wildfire mitigation efforts in high-risk areas across the state where residential areas are approaching forest land, known as wildland-urban interface areas (WUIs).
Colorado has the third highest percentage of households deemed high or extreme risk from wildfires in the entire country.
The bill was approved unanimously by the House. It now heads to the Senate.