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April 11, 2024

House Leadership Statement on Member Leaving Firearm in Capitol Restroom

DENVER, CO– House Speaker Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon, and House Majority Leader Monica Duran, D-Wheat Ridge, today released the following statement after Representative Don Wilson left his firearm unattended in a public restroom in the State Capitol. 

Statement from Speaker McCluskie:

The consequences of leaving a firearm unattended in a public space could be very serious, and the incident this week created a dangerous situation. This should not have happened and cannot happen again, and this is why our caucus is pursuing legislation to prohibit carrying firearms in the Capitol. I hope Rep. Wilson appreciates the severity of his mistake and the safety concern this has created for us in the Capitol.

Statement from Majority Leader Duran:

As a responsible firearm owner, it’s frustrating and disappointing to continually see colleagues make mistakes with their guns. Everyone who carries a firearm must do so with the utmost care at all times, which is why it is so important to me that people receive proper training and observe it and that we strengthen the requirements for a concealed carry permit. I’ve expressed my deepest concerns to Rep. Wilson and Minority Leadership. It’s my expectation that he follows through with his commitment not to carry his firearm at the Capitol.

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