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April 5, 2021


McLachlan’s bill establishes state office to cultivate and promote outdoor recreation industry

DENVER, CO– The House today passed legislation by a vote of 44-20 to create the Outdoor Recreation Industry Office.

“Colorado can recover faster and build back stronger by boosting one of our state’s most vital industries, outdoor recreation,” said Rep. Barbara McLachlan, D-Durango. “The outdoor recreation office will help create jobs in rural Colorado and protect the public lands that foster our thriving outdoor recreation economy.”

HB21-1223, which is sponsored by Representatives Barbara McLachlan and Matt Soper, would formally create the Outdoor Recreation Industry Office in the Office of Economic Development. The Office was formed by the governor in 2015, and this bill would cement the Office in statute and outline the Office’s specific responsibilities and objectives.HB21-1223 calls for the cultivation, promotion, and coordinated development of the outdoor recreation industry in Colorado and for the protection and conservation of public lands, waters, air, and climate. It directs the Office to help address some of the inequities preventing underserved communities from engaging in the numerous recreation opportunities available throughout the state. It calls on the state to partner with the outdoor recreation industry to ensure that the industry serves as a good steward of Colorado’s natural beauty. The Office would support the outdoor recreation industry in Colorado by working with state, federal, local governments and nongovernmental organizations to promote economic development, conservation, stewardship, education, workforce training, and public health and wellness.

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