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October 25, 2023

LGBTQ+ Caucus: Private Schools Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Use Taxpayer Funds to Discriminate

DENVER, COThe Colorado Democratic LGBTQ+ Caucus released the following statement regarding a federal judge’s preliminary injunction to block Colorado from preventing preschool providers in the taxpayer-funded universal preschool (UPK) program from discriminating against LGBTQ+ families and educators:

“Institutions that receive public funds should not be able to use those taxpayer resources to discriminate against LGBTQ+ families. All children should have access to high-quality early childhood education that sets them up for success. This decision is in direct conflict with the majority of Coloradans who overwhelmingly support LGBTQ+ rights, oppose discrimination, and support free, high quality preschool for all early learners in Colorado.

“The Department of Early Childhood’s non-discrimination requirements for UPK providers are crucial to ensure that taxpayer resources aren’t used to perpetuate bigotry toward LGBTQ+ families. However, under this ruling, taxpayers will now be forced to subsidize religious education institutions who want to use public funding for programs that exclude LGBTQ+ families. Taxpayer dollars should be spent on preschools that are willing to serve all Coloradans, no matter the sexual orientation of parents, or the gender identity of students or staff.”

The current members of the Colorado Democratic LGBTQ+ Caucus are:

Rep. Brianna Titone, Chair

Sen. Sonya Jaquez Lewis, Co-Chair

Rep. Jennifer Lea Parenti

Rep. Elizabeth Velasco

Rep. Stephanie Vigil

Rep. Lorena Garcia

Rep. Ruby Dickson

Rep. Elisabeth Epps

Rep. Leslie Herod

Rep. Alex Valdez

Rep. David Ortiz

Sen. Joann Ginal

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