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July 23, 2024

McCluskie Highlights Affordability Measures at Frisco Town Meeting

FRISCO, CO – Speaker Julie McCluskie and Senator Dylan Roberts today presented to the Frisco Town Council and highlighted recent legislation to make Colorado more affordable. 

“Everyone in the high country should be able to live, work and learn in the places they love, but the cost of living in our communities is way too high,” said Speaker McCluskie, D-Dillon. “We have focused on making housing, health care and child care more affordable. I’m proud that the successful reinsurance program I helped create has saved Coloradans over $2 billion on health insurance, and this year, we delivered bipartisan property tax relief that will lower taxes for families and small businesses.”

Speaker McCluskie sponsored the bipartisan property package that will permanently reduce property taxes for families and small businesses. She also sponsored the legislation to create the successful reinsurance program, which is saving people money on health insurance and has had a drastic impact on lowering costs in the high country. 

McCluskie has also sponsored legislation to responsibly encourage more housing to reduce the cost of living in resort communities, authored successful laws to boost child care affordability, and referred a measure to voters to establish Colorado’s free universal preschool program. She also sponsored the new public school finance formula, which will result in a projected 12 percent increase for Summit County schools, over the next six years. 

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