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July 10, 2024

McCluskie Tours Grand County, Meets with School Leaders

GRAND COUNTY, CO – Speaker Julie McCluskie this week toured local businesses and summer camps and met with school officials in Grand County to discuss increased school funding under the new school finance formula. 

“Coloradans in the high country face some of the highest costs of living in our state, which is why I have been focused on making Colorado more affordable so everyone can live, learn, work and play in the places we love,” said Speaker Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon. “It was great to hear from constituents, business owners, and school leaders about their hopes and dreams for our state and how new laws will protect our water, support Colorado agriculture, reduce taxes on small businesses, and lower the cost of housing, child care and health care.”

The speaker toured Snow Mountain Ranch, Sisu Farms and Camp Chief Ouray, where she met with summer campers and constituents and highlighted new legislation that will boost rural economies and make living in the high country more affordable. Speaker McCluskie has championed legislation to protect Colorado water and support agriculture, establish the Northwest passenger rail line, reduce property taxes on families and small businesses, and lower the cost of housing and health care in the high country. 

McCluskie also met with the superintendents and school board presidents for East Grand School District and West Grand School District, which will see nearly 30 percent and 17 percent increases respectively under the new school finance formula she sponsored and passed this year. 

“It was exciting to meet with Grand County superintendents and school board presidents to learn more about the challenges they face and the incredible opportunities ahead,” continued McCluskie. “The new school finance formula I sponsored this year will significantly increase funding for Grand County schools, which the districts can use to increase teacher pay, reduce class sizes and invest in our students so that every child can thrive.”

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