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April 1, 2021


DENVER, CO– The House Education Committee today passed two bills sponsored by Representative Kyle Mullica that would end legacy college admissions and ensure that K-12 teachers are properly trained to respond to students with a seizure disorder.

“Today, we took action to better serve students who are experiencing a seizure at school,” said Rep. Kyle Mullica, D-Northglenn. “By passing ‘Joey’s Law’, parents won’t have to fear that the school their student attends is unprepared to respond when their child is experiencing a seizure. Finally, I’m pleased that we’re now one step closer to ending legacy admissions at public colleges and universities. As the first person in my family to graduate from an institution of higher education, I know firsthand that students should be judged by their own merits and achievements, not those of their relatives who happen to be alumni of that institution.”

“I’m so proud that we advanced Joey’s law today,” said Rep. Iman Jodeh, D-Aurora. “Seizures can be scary if you’ve never witnessed one, and students with seizure disorders should always have the comfort of knowing that their teachers are ready to respond when they need them.”

HB21-1133, which is known as “Joey’s Law” and is also sponsored by Representative Iman Jodeh, would require public schools where a student has a known seizure disorder to designate at least one educator to get trained in seizure response. It would also encourage parents with students who have a seizure disorder to submit a seizure action plan to the school. A seizure action plan provides detailed information on a student’s seizure disorder and guidelines on how to respond if the student is experiencing a seizure. According to the CDC, approximately 7,800 Coloradans under the age of 18 have been diagnosed with epilepsy or a seizure disorder. The bill passed 9-0.

HB21-1173, sponsored by Representative Mullica, would end legacy admissions at Colorado public institutions of higher education. Currently, higher education institutions may consider legacy preferences and family relationships to alumni of the institution as a criteria for admission standards. The bill passed 8-1.

The committee also passed SB21-056, sponsored by Representatives Matt Gray and Kevin Van Winkle, which would require school districts to implement policies and procedures to administer medical cannabis to students for whom a physician has prescribed it. Medical cannabis has been shown to reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures, especially in children, and is often prescribed for seizure disorders. The bill passed 9-0.

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